I want to disclose before I get into the actual review, I was given a 365-day subscription to FREEDOME by F-Secure. If you’ve been flicking through Netflix and nothing has quite taken your fancy, what about turning on a VPN to say you’re in the states and browsing their catalogue instead? OR have you ever been scrolling Twitter and seen a video of a highlight from a recent UFC event, only for it to say this video is not available in your country? Well, a VPN will solve that too! That reason would be to get around GEOLOCKS.

If you’re not particularly bothered about the fact people may want to steal your data for whatever their reasons may be, then worry not because there is still a reason for you to look into acquiring a VPN. However, if your data is harder to find and track, then it’s likely any potential hackers will ignore you and move onto some other schmuck without a VPN, won’t they? More fool them! It can also add multiple routes for your data to pass through, which will obviously decrease available speeds. It does this by encrypting your traffic and hiding your IP address using a tunnelling protocol, which pretty much makes a nice little tunnel for all of your data to pass through.
So a VPN is a form of software that will basically help you keep your connection to the internet SECURE.

In case you are unaware of what a VPN is, I’ll do a quick rundown of what a VPN is and why you may want or need one since we have been through it previously in one of our many other VPN reviews! What is a VPN? Today, we’re going to be taking a look at FREEDOME from a company called F-Secure. With the ever-growing threat of cyber-attacks and major companies having data breaches, it seems like now more than ever is the right time to get yourself a VPN, a Virtual Private Network.