To get more comfortable with textures it is advised to work through these exercises before continuing. stbi_set_flip_ vertically_on_load(true) After telling stb_image.h to flip the y-axis when loading images you should get the following result: If you see one happy container, you did things right. I've run into an issue with a customEditor that i can't seem to figure out. Discussion in 'Immediate Mode GUI ( IMGUI)' started by Reahreic, Sep 22, 2020. Nested BeginHorizontal/Vertical elements break alignment. ImVec2, pub window_title_ align: ImVec2, pub child_rounding: f32, pub child_border_size: f32. Releases by Stars Recent Build Failures Build Failures by Stars Release Activity. API documentation for the Rust `ImGuiStyle` struct in crate ` imgui`. If you don't need to render data (skipping rendering) you may call EndFrame () without Render (). void NewFrame() EndFrame () ends the Dear ImGui frame. NewFrame () start a new Dear ImGui frame, you can submit any command from this point until Render ()/EndFrame (). For this reason, we say that C++ is a whitespace. The C++ compiler generally ignores whitespace, with a few minor exceptions (when processing text literals). In C++, this refers primarily to spaces, tabs, and newlines. Whitespace is a term that refers to characters that are used for formatting purposes.

Automatic Layout makes sense to use when you don’t. Fixed Layout makes sense to use when you have a pre-designed interface to work from. You do not have to use one Layout mode over the other, and you can use both modes at once in the same OnGUI () function. To use Automatic Layout, write GUILayout instead of GUI when calling control functions.