I am not rewarded for coming up with strategies to bait enemy ships or pick off stragglers, the AI squashes those plans out of the gate.

Unless my fleet flat out bodies the enemy forces ship for ship my fleet, every single ship, is utter floating garbage. I've asked for advice on here and none of it works. The only exception is the ships with a death wish that will with their shields down, not firing happily face tank a legion or onslaught, drolling into their consoles. My ships are scared of any ship bigger than they are but the enemy isn't, they'll happily face tank a Legion taking turns to flux up, whilst their allies dart around it looking for weaknesses my ships see a legion and scram, no matter the ships, no matter the numbers they'll run away and not even fire. I want AI like the enemy ships get, ones that are competent. It's like the inverse law of ninjas for my ships. If I try and vent when high flux (behind my own lines, with fighter cover), the enemy fires a volley of harpoons or a reaper or two, they thread perfectly through my entire fleet (which lets them go by without once trying to stop them) and I die, how many reach me is the exact number needed to kill me no matter what.įurther to this the enemy AI isn't a bunch of feckless cowards with a suicide pact, If I, in a battlecruiser (with allied ships told to escort), attack a group of enemy destroyers do they run away and do nothing but die like chumps one at a time? No, they ball-up move to flanking positions, flux me, and otherwise fight as you'd expect do mine? of course, they don't, my ships can outnumber an enemy three to one or more and they'll scatter chasing frigates and abandoning each other to all die like morons one at a time. The enemy AI stays in a tight ball, it effectively and accurately predicts where my ship will be when and with exact accuracy launches attacks to overwhelm my fleet, cut it to little pieces and perfectly kill my ship to the bullet. It has infinitely better AI than any of my ships, which are all stupid and utterly worthless.